



The Super Size Me Star's Detox Diet

Recipes and tips from Morgan Spurlock's get-healthy eating plan
By Megan O. Steintrager

The Super Size Me Star's Detox Diet: Morgan Spurlock, The Great American Detox Diet by Alex Jamieson

I ndulged in one too many holiday cookies? We know that eating healthy is a top New Year's resolution, but we also know that if you're visiting Epicurious, you don't want just something healthy—raw hemp-crusted sprouted-bulgur nuggets, anyone?—but also something that tastes good and is satisfying Stainless steel tea infuser. To get suggestions, we turned to a couple who might, on the surface, seem rather odd: 30 Days star Morgan Spurlock, who first became famous by nearly killing himself with his 30-day McDonald's diet for the movie Super Size Me, and his then-girlfriend, now-wife, Alex Jamieson—a longtime vegan, holistic health counselor, and a graduate of the Natural Gourmet Institute for Health & Culinary Arts and the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, both in New York.

During the Super Size Me experiment, Spurlock gained 24.5 pounds, and he says he was depressed, experienced sexual dysfunction, and lost mental focus. After the 30 days of Mickey D's were up, Jamieson took over Spurlock's diet. "I truly believe that she helped save my life by nursing my body back to health with care, kindness, and delicious food," he writes in the foreword to The Great American Detox Diet, the book of recipes and advice Jamieson wrote based on the eating plan she developed for Spurlock.

Below are a day's worth of recipes from The Great American Detox Diet, including herbed breakfast patties chock-full of nuts and mushrooms; nori or lettuce wraps with healthy fat–loaded guacamole and a choice of chicken, salmon, or tofu; a robust, flavorful spinach pie; and even dessert! Along with each recipe we've included comments and tips from Spurlock and Jamieson. We think you'll enjoy this menu—whether you want to slim down, detox, improve your overall health Business Education, or just give your body a break from heavy food for a day.

A Hearty and Healthy Start: Breakfast Patties

He Says: "I'm somebody who likes to have a filling breakfast from time to time—not something heavy that makes me want to curl up and take a nap, but a meal that keeps me more than satisfied until lunch and gives me lots of energy. This breakfast does both."
She Says: "Many people find that their energy throughout the entire day is more even and more focused if they have a quality protein for breakfast. Try making these patties and freezing them for daily eating."

A Light Portable Lunch: Nori or Lettuce Leaf Wrap-Ups

He Says: "I love these because they're something I can eat on the go—meaning 'with my hands'! I am rarely in one place or sitting down for lunch, so these make the perfect companion for my always shifting schedule."
She Says: "Sea vegetables are the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet, so eat up! Nori is high in protein and trace minerals. Adding soaked arame or hijiki can also add powerful doses of calcium and iron to this easy lunchbox food."

An Iron- and Calcium-Rich Vegan Dinner: Popeye's Spinach Pie

He Says: "I am what I am—and that's a spinach fan! As a kid I HATED spinach. You couldn't pay me enough money to eat it. But as you grow older and your palate matures, so do your tastes and desires, and there's nothing tastier (or better for you) than one of these pies. If you had a bad spinach experience like I did as a kid, give it another try as an adult. You might just like it—hey, Mikey!"
She Says: "Green leafy veggies are still one of nature's best sources of calcium and iron. This pie is delicious and serves a crowd, or is great as leftovers for a few days of healthy lunches and dinners dc motor."

A Top-Rated Dessert with No Added Sugar: Raw Chocolate Pudding

He Says: "Mmmmm ... pudding. There's nothing in the world better than pudding, except maybe the Indy 500. But it's a close one. I love chocolate and I love pudding, and this is one of the yummiest things Alex makes. So now you can have some pudding and stop whining about it! Pudding ... Awwww, yeah!"
She Says: "No cooking, just blend away! The natural sweetness of the dried fruit and the quality chocolate goodness all combine for a rich and satisfying yet sin-free treat."

To learn more about Jamieson and get additional tips and recipes, go to healthychefalex.com. For more on Spurlock, go to the 30 Days Web site, and check out Spurlock's book Don't Eat This Book: Fast Food and the Supersizing of America. You can also watch Super Size Me on Hulu.com.


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